Bamboo poles

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  • 07 Aug 2015 21:05
    Message # 3470047
    Deleted user

    Would anyone please give me information on the verity of bamboo poles one uses for a batten?  My battens are made of Ash but the lower one next to the boom was missing when I purchased the sail, yard, boom, and battens.  In checking out what it would cost to buy enough material to make one batten out of good quality Fir the price quoted was $171.00 and change for a 12' x 6"x 1.3/4" .  Don't mention the time to laminate the pieces together, and it was one foot to short.  A bit pricy!
    I live in the Bay Area of California (Alameda) and I notice that there are places in Oregon that grow many kinds of bamboo, hence the question of the type I need to order to replace the missing one.

    Thank you in advance for any information you might send,

    Richard Hicks

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