David Tyler wrote:
another change I would make would be to replace Annie's bi-fold washboard with a single fold-down or slide-down washboard, raising the sill height; and then adding a sliding hatch and garage. I have a sketch design of a way of incorporating a rotating pramhood into this arrangement, but I have been unable to convince Annie of its merits. I would want a settee berth near the centreline, for cat-napping, but this is probably a matter of personal choice.
I have lived with a single fold-down washboard and much prefer the 'stable door' arrangement. It's great to be able to have the top open when it's raining, or just for a short while in winter when the sun is shining and warming the place up, when having the whole companionway open is too much of a good thing.
I have never met anyone who, hand on heart, can claim the sliding hatch didn't leak in extremis - just when you don't want it to leak. Driving rain from astern can be an issue, too. As well, they tend to be either so stiff as to need brute force to open them, or so slippery that you need to secure them open or shut. As I see no reason for a larger entrance than I will have, I see no need to risk a sliding hatch!