Measuring junk sailing performance

  • 24 Oct 2018 18:18
    Reply # 6871787 on 4913961
    Deleted user

    Alan--I coded your TWS and TWA formulas into my weaverbird output (all_weaverbird.csv). I also ground-truthed your formulas by drawing one upwind and downwind vector diagram from the data in QCAD (see jpg...dxf not allowed to upload) and magnitudes and angles confirm your formulas. However please convince yourself by spot-checking the TWS and TWA columns and let me know if you find problems.

    Now for some polar plots.


    2 files
    Last modified: 24 Oct 2018 18:33 | Deleted user
  • 24 Oct 2018 15:49
    Reply # 6871423 on 4913961

    I'm pleased to be able to report that we now have a page on the JRA website for the results of this project. You can find it here.

    Or you can find it through the "Junk Information" part of the main menu.

    At present the linked files are on my Dropbox site, but I think the links work OK. Please let me know if you have any problems.

    Through this page you can get access to all the recorded data files from the trials, and the Polar Diagrams we have produced to date.

  • 23 Oct 2018 10:30
    Reply # 6869451 on 4913961

    Robert, You are right that true wind is preferable for polar plots. The problem we have is that the true wind function in Polauto7 appears to calculate true wind incorrectly, and I can't persuade the author, Patrick Tiercelin of this, despite exchanging emails on the subject.

    What Polauto 7 does very well is scan through the NMEA sentences we record and pick out the highest boat speed for each wind speed and wind angle, to create the polar diagram. It is a slow process as there are typically around 90,000 sentences for each tack on each boat, and at 5 lines per second it takes around 6 hrs to process each batch. I don't see a simple and reliable way to do that from the CSV files.

    The webmaster is talking about setting up a page on this website for me to post the results on, so I can share them with you all, hopefully in the next few days.

    If I had the code writing skills I would be tempted to write my own analysis software to do what Polauto does in picking out the best performance data, but with a correct conversion from apparent wind to true wind. Unfortunately I don't have those skills. maybe there is a member who does?

  • 23 Oct 2018 10:01
    Reply # 6868735 on 4913961

    That diagram is one I did a while back, but I later realised you have to use Cos instead of Tan to get the sign and addition right in the downwind sector. Here is a better diagram and set of equations. Don't forget to convert the angles from degrees to radians using Pi()/180, and the reverse for the final stage to get true wind angles in degrees.

    1 file
  • 23 Oct 2018 08:01
    Reply # 6867178 on 4913961

    I think this diagram gives you what you're looking for. 

    1 file
  • 22 Oct 2018 17:27
    Reply # 6855791 on 4913961
    Deleted user

    I took a look at the weaverbird csv files and generated frequency distributions of the data just to see the range of what was there. 

    The math framework I work in, Matlab, does do polar plots (see example) so appears to be do-able.

    The bit of reading I've done on sailboat polars indicates that true wind speed and true wind direction are the preferred axes. Whereas we have apparent wind speed and direction. Is there a big difference given max 6 knot boat speeds? It'd be pretty easy to make the corrections to the "apparents" if someone could point me to the relavent equations.


    4 files
    Last modified: 22 Oct 2018 17:35 | Deleted user
  • 19 Oct 2018 06:44
    Reply # 6802142 on 4913961

    First column: date
    Second column: time
    Third column: speed through the water
    Fourth column: apparent wind speed
    Fifth column: apparent wind angle, 0˚ to 180˚ port or starboard

  • 18 Oct 2018 23:11
    Reply # 6795694 on 4913961
    Deleted user

    So...making a guess at what the data columns are:

    date and time obvious

    col AC = boat speed in knts

    col AW = true wind speed in knts

    col AY = true wind direction in degrees from north = zero deg

    col AZ port/stbd tack

    and a polar plot shows speed as a function of true wind direction (0-180°) and true wind speed.

    All correct?


  • 18 Oct 2018 08:11
    Reply # 6783571 on 6773798
    Robert wrote:
    Alan wrote:

    David, I can't get into your Box file because my computer says it is not secure and won't let me go there. I wonder if others have that problem?

    I was able to get into box and download the zip file.

    I have noticed with the older browser I run and sometimes my older chrome Version 49.0.2623.112 I am blocked at various websites.


    Box is an " https//: " site so I don't understand the security issue.

    My Chrome version is now Version 70.0.3538.67 (Official Build) (64-bit) - I've just updated it from version 65. You may be right, Robert - the issue may be something to do with Alan's browser settings.

  • 17 Oct 2018 20:06
    Reply # 6773798 on 6767313
    Deleted user
    Anonymous wrote:

    David, I can't get into your Box file because my computer says it is not secure and won't let me go there. I wonder if others have that problem?

    I was able to get into box and download the zip file.

    I have noticed with the older browser I run and sometimes my older chrome Version 49.0.2623.112 I am blocked at various websites.


    Last modified: 17 Oct 2018 20:06 | Deleted user
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
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