BADGERS (formerly 'Another Badger (Constance)'

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  • 18 Jan 2013 06:51
    Reply # 1182688 on 1181914
    Deleted user
    Who knows, Gary, we might even run in to each other (as it were) and then we could organise a Junk Rally!!! Yeehaaw! And invite some of the local sailing bankas.... Now I AM off topic and will desist or will have to sign in as admin and give myself a ticking off (unless the bossman gets there first)

    Re Mollie, John and Cissy at the Yacht Club would, I'm sure, help you track down the owner. We weren't there long enough to make contact ourselves.


    Palawan is beautiful, I'd love to return!
  • 18 Jan 2013 04:21
    Reply # 1182616 on 1181923
    Deleted user
    Lesley Verbrugge wrote:Not about Constance, but not too far off topic (Yet), did you ever come across a boat called Molly of Plymouth? We saw her moored off Abanico YC Puerto Princesa,  (Palawan, Philippines) June 2012. She did remind us of Badger. couldn't find out more than she was owned by a Chinese guy who bought her to use for fishing trips. She looked in good condition, no sails though and very high in the water.  We do kick ourselves for not going back to take a photograph of her. 
    Hey Lesley, we have a loose plan to visit Palawan, as a part of our S.E.Asian cruise which is kind of local to the part of Australia we are based. Could run into this Molly of Plymouth yet.
  • 18 Jan 2013 01:40
    Reply # 1182497 on 1181914
    Deleted user
    Ah so..
    I did look in the members directory here, but searched for "Badger", so missed it.
  • 17 Jan 2013 16:24
    Reply # 1182063 on 1181914
    Deleted user
    Now that Lesley is mentoring (well, something that begins with 'm') you lot, I must stop reading these fora...

    It appears that Constance belongs to member John Greetham , based in Walton, UK, and a very nice-looking BD 34 she is indeed. In his profile John says, "Last 13 years building Constance now afloat almost ready to leave mooring in 2013!" which explains why the guy who wrote that blog moaned about her never seeming to go anywhere... John is a post-only member, so I've dropped him a line. Maybe he'll upgrade and tell us more about her.
    Last modified: 18 Jan 2013 01:49 | Anonymous member
  • 17 Jan 2013 12:44
    Reply # 1181923 on 1181914
    Deleted user
    Not about Constance, but not too far off topic (Yet), did you ever come across a boat called Molly of Plymouth? We saw her moored off Abanico YC Puerto Princesa,  (Palawan, Philippines) June 2012. She did remind us of Badger. couldn't find out more than she was owned by a Chinese guy who bought her to use for fishing trips. She looked in good condition, no sails though and very high in the water.  We do kick ourselves for not going back to take a photograph of her. 
  • 17 Jan 2013 12:11
    Message # 1181914
    Deleted user
    I periodically google for Badger dory, Badger junk or Benford dory to see if anything new pops up.
    This time there was something new. A Badger junk called Constance.

    A fine looking specimen. Does anyone happen know about this boat?
    Last modified: 12 Feb 2013 21:53 | Deleted user
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