Storfidra 25 conversion WOO HOO The mast is UP!!!

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  • 08 Aug 2015 17:43
    Reply # 3471010 on 3456702

    Thank you Richard! I'm so glad I could help.

    I am very much looking forward to seeing your beautiful craft completed as well!!!

    See you again soon.


  • 07 Aug 2015 17:20
    Reply # 3469725 on 3456702
    Deleted user

    Hi Jonny, many thanks again for your help in finding a mast like yours.  The fellow I bought it from saw a market for those " light standards" and charged me 85.00 U.S. more than you gave. I guess that is the price of doing business.  I finished it off with two coats of epoxy primer and epoxy finish coat.  The tabernacle is going to be constructed in the next two weeks.  So the mast should be up by the end of August.  Both electric motors are mounted and running.  I rewired Father's Aweigh for AC and the DC panels are in place feeding my house and anchor batteries.  My home now has all the comforts of a house on the beach.  I'm adding two more solar panels for a total of four hundred watts of power which will aid me in being off the grid.  I'm off today to buy a stick of Ash as my lower batten, this will compleat my sail. The next project is the foredeck; I'll keep you posted as I go along.

    Again, many thanks for your encouragement.  So glad to see a picture of your ship and the good work you are doing.


  • 01 Aug 2015 14:44
    Reply # 3460364 on 3456702

    Thanks Jason!!   Surgery 3 days away.  YIKES!

    I am very much looking forward to seeing  Etoile !

    Florida road trip!

    chat soon,


  • 30 Jul 2015 17:37
    Reply # 3457828 on 3456702
    Deleted user
    Jonny Kaplan wrote:

    The mast is in! Hooray! I can breathe again!

    picture here:

    and more to come!!




    She looks great!  I wish I could have been there to help you raise the mast but I'm glad that Sam was able to gain the experience.  Let's stay in close contact of the next few weeks.  Good luck with your surgery.  It would be great if you could come down to Marathon to check out Etoile before we move her back to California.  It appears the timing is going to work out perfectly.  Congratulations on getting your Storfidra up and running and hopefully I can check her out in person again soon.  


  • 30 Jul 2015 02:23
    Reply # 3457079 on 3456702

    Thanks Annie! I'm really looking forward to the first adventure! The Storfidra is definitely built like the proverbial tank. Good news ……she can protect me and my inexperience!

    It's going to be like learning to sail all over again.

    Last modified: 30 Jul 2015 02:24 | Anonymous member
  • 30 Jul 2015 02:14
    Reply # 3457073 on 3456702
    Looks great: what a seaworthy looking boat!
  • 29 Jul 2015 22:17
    Reply # 3456847 on 3456702

    Got it. Thank you!

  • 29 Jul 2015 21:39
    Reply # 3456834 on 3456702
    Jonny Kaplan wrote: 

    picture here:

     Link to Jonny's picture .

    Jonny, to insert a link to a photo in your own gallery first you must go
    to your profile (click "View profile" top right of screen), from there click
    "My Directory Profile", again top right of screen, open the picture you
    want to link to and copy its URL from the browser menu bar into your
    clipboard.  Now, in the forum edit window, at the point you want the
    link, click the insert link icon (like two links of a chain, geddit!) and
    paste the URL into the space top left, and some link text in the space
    lower right (this text will appear highlighted in your post), hit the insert
    link button and the link will appear in the edit window.  Going to "My
    Directory Profile" accesses a public link to your gallery, which is essential
    if everyone else is to see your photo from your link.

    Last modified: 29 Jul 2015 21:42 | Anonymous
  • 29 Jul 2015 21:05
    Reply # 3456810 on 3456702

    Thanks guys! There is A LOT more work to do. But I was under the gun to get the mast up …and motor in before an impending shoulder surgery next week. I'll be  in a sling for 6 weeks! (yuck) ….. so …at least got the two BIG tasks done.

  • 29 Jul 2015 20:36
    Reply # 3456784 on 3456702
    Deleted user
    She looks great!  Congrats.

    Erik & Evi

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