FaceBook Site for JRA?

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  • 18 Jan 2016 21:24
    Reply # 3766915 on 3732492
    Deleted user

    Never used Facebook or Twitter and never will. With 69-year-olds like me passing daily (e.g David Bowie, Alan Rickman), life is clearly too short to sort out FB's intrusions let alone its privacy settings. Stick with what we have.

  • 15 Jan 2016 05:46
    Reply # 3759943 on 3759811
    Timothy Rumbinas wrote:

    I agree. Facebook can be useful, but it's very easy for the useful content to be lost in the noise. However, it may be a good device to increase membership if done with discretion.

    Well I'm doing my bit.:)
  • 15 Jan 2016 02:31
    Reply # 3759811 on 3732492
    Deleted user

    I agree. Facebook can be useful, but it's very easy for the useful content to be lost in the noise. However, it may be a good device to increase membership if done with discretion.

  • 15 Jan 2016 01:24
    Reply # 3759717 on 3732492
    We've always had the Yacht Club Bar forum for the less-than-serious conversations between friends. It's not being used very much at present, but it's certainly the place where we can put lightweight remarks that we would otherwise post on Facebook (which I've withdrawn from, as I couldn't stand the trivia that seemed to fill it).

  • 15 Jan 2016 01:04
    Reply # 3759709 on 3732492

    I am also a Facebook user and the one thing I have come to realise is Facebook is not a forum for serious discussion. I post comments, photos and videos of my sailing experiences on there but it's more for family and friends. For serious discussion and maybe some not so serious discussion let us stick with what we have here.

    That's my two bobs worth.:)

  • 04 Jan 2016 16:34
    Reply # 3738795 on 3732492

    In full agreement with posts here. Facebook unnecessary and with risks for JRA members, avoid.

  • 04 Jan 2016 00:17
    Reply # 3737633 on 3735808
    Anthony Cook wrote:Please can we forget about Facebook? The JRA is a group of enthusiasts, most of them boat-owners and some of them very accomplished sailors indeed, who are prepared to share their knowledge and experience. We are a small-enough group to feel that we know each other, and whilst genuinely-interested new members are always welcome, there is no economic necessity for constant growth. Speaking personally, that's the way I like it.

    !00% in agreement! Facebook NO! NO! NO! and NO! again.

  • 03 Jan 2016 17:28
    Reply # 3737110 on 3732492

    To all concerned,

    Based on the responses on the facebook topic it looks as though the consensus to date by the JRA is that there's no real need to extend our reach into the social media quagmire; that said I am completely on board with that general thinking.

    I'll rest my initiation of this topic as an overzealous outreach by a newbie to the JRA Forum (General and Otherwise).  I find this association to be very much active, alive and positively responsive.  I'm very grateful for the overall feed back which helped me to gain a better sense of the organization's philosophy.



  • 03 Jan 2016 12:22
    Reply # 3736771 on 3732492
    Deleted user

    I am a ‘Facebook user‘. (sounds like an AA meeting!) It keeps me in contact with my scattered family, both directly with person-to-person messaging and generalised posts that can be seen by all ‘Friends’. It is a place where news feeds, events, organisations (like the OCC) all arrive on my page. I can control who can see my posts and who can comment or post on my page. (This takes some work as Facebook is want to change the rules from time to time) All my actual friends and Face book ‘Friends’ can see the data I choose to put on my page (they can also look up my list of Friends which sounds a bit creepy) all of which can give an overabundance of Cute children, kittens, puppy dogs and other pests! Then we have ’Pages you may like’ pushed by the Facebook algorithms, which needs drastic pruning. I put up with it as I get to see what my children are up to, paintings, boats, high tech news, political rants etc. The JR site is a pure uncontaminated joy, please don’t contaminate it with Facebook!

  • 03 Jan 2016 02:45
    Reply # 3736580 on 3732492
    Personally - and not wearing my Chairman's hat here - I avoid Facebook like the plague not only as yet another thing to eat into my time, but also because I would not like Facebook members to have access to my personal data, knowing that Facebook has had privacy issues in the past.  Moreover, it seems to open the door to more junk email.  On the other hand, because I don't use Facebook, I may be wrong about all this.

    However, I see no good reason for proselytising.  It's not difficult for anyone interested in junk rig to find us.  Google "junk rig" and we are at the top of the page.  "Chinese Sailing Rig" and we are on the first page.  "Fully battened lug rig" and we are there, too.  The Internet makes a huge amount of material readily available to anyone with the slightest curiosity and minimal computer skills.  If one of our members can set up a Facebook link that will also ensure we retain our privacy and won't subject our website to unpleasant attention, then I believe they have a right to submit a well-considered submission on the matter.  Otherwise, I - again personally - believe it to be irrelevant to our Association.

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       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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