Does this look like a viable sail plan?

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  • 05 Jan 2016 20:51
    Reply # 3741333 on 3739497

    If the "Lead" labelled line is the actual CLR, then the sail CE is directly over the CLR with no lead at all, unless I'm reading that wrong.

  • 05 Jan 2016 17:50
    Reply # 3740924 on 3739497
    Deleted user

    James has the lead pretty much correct, he's just mis-labelled his diagram. The black line labelled 'lead' is actually the CLR. The mast is 9.3% of LWL ahead of that.


  • 05 Jan 2016 17:10
    Reply # 3740821 on 3739497

    James, The CLR you've indicated looks to be a bit further aft than it should be. Following the instructions given in PJR, the best method to find CLR is to cut out an underwater profile of the hull using stiff card and balance it on a knife edge perpendicular to the waterline. Include about 1/3 the area of the rudder in your cutout. The larger your cutout is, the more accurate the result will be.

  • 05 Jan 2016 00:22
    Message # 3739497
    Deleted user

    After much head scratching, drawing,  research and measuring,  I may have worked out a viable sail plan for the dangerous mollusk.  I am attempting to upload a picture for you all to look at. I am planning on camber in the sails.  I am not nailed down on how much,  but some where between 9-10% for the bottom 4 panels, maybe less like 5% on the 5th from the bottom,  and flat on the last two.  If you see any issues that may arise please let me know!  The main reason for choosing this plan is due to the fact it is by far the best mast placement for my hull.  No obstruction of keel bolts, destruction of water tanks, modification of table, intrusion of v birth, or sacrifice of the hatch required. Also I will be dealing with mainly flat deck for installation.

    Last modified: 05 Jan 2016 17:13 | Anonymous
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