Hi all, Im currently finishing the many little jobbies left over from last years major work and getting Bobtail ready for launch (you may have seen my blog last year: Bobtail's Conversion to Junkrig ?) Anyway, this will be my first full season and with no experience using a junk rig, its all very exciting stuff!
However, it's that time of year when I sit and ponder on many things .... Im not very good on the technical terms, so please forgive me..... but I have noticed on many traditional chinese junks there is a wee mast with a wee sail hanging over the stern (a bit like a drascombe lugger?)... my thoughts are: what does it do? does it help pointing up to the wind or improve tacking? is it used to balance the rig? stability? or simply for holding the boat steady on a course? or is it just another excuse for me to have even more lines to play with!
Although I like the term "wee stern sail" does it have a proper name ?!!
Bobtail is a colvic watson 24 motor/cruiser... she's pretty bulky and slow, she has always tended to wallow around a bit and, having bilge plates, she's a bit slow on the tacking front and added to all that, not having much of keel either, she has a fair bit of leeway too....
So, basically, although she's a bit doddery (just like her owner) I loves the 'ol gal for all her sins but, methinks, would this 'wee sail' approach be any help, is it worth a trial? Has anyone got one, or used one or know where I can get some further guidance on this type of rig? or your thoughts/views would be welcome...
Many thanks!
Chris Vossel-Newman