West Coast of Scotland - Summer 2024

  • 28 May 2024 16:52
    Message # 13362644

    We are posting this in the hope of meeting you later this Summer somewhere in the West Coast of Scotland.

    We've just sailed up the Irish Sea. We are now anchored in Red Bay NI and hope to cross over to Scotland tomorrow. We are planning to have a cruise on the West Coast of Scotland during June and July. It would be nice to meet JRA members if possible. 

    We hope someone would be up to organising a junket.  My mobile signal is poor and data limited, not to mention local knowledge, so I will not be undertaking that task but of course would love it if someone else would volunteer.

    Please let us know (email to: KOKACHINJR@GMAIL.COM) if meeting you is feasible and if you would volunteer to organise a JR meet.  It has been a while since the last one.  We had the most amazing junket in Chesapeake Bay. It would be great to have one in Scotland too! 

    We hope to be able to meet as many boats as possible. We are fairly flexible and have no scheduled cruising plans.  As always it is weather dependent!

    Fair winds and smooth seas. 

    Pete & Linda / Kokachin


  • 28 May 2024 20:18
    Reply # 13362766 on 13362644

    Dear Pete & Linda, 

    Congratulations on a safe arrival on this side of the pond! Here's wishing you fair winds and  Hebridean sunshine, but I regret to have to tell you, Summer was early this year - it was on May 14th. I am sort of between boats at the moment, but may see you in Scotland, once clarity has been achieved.


  • 05 Jun 2024 09:23
    Reply # 13365984 on 13362644

    As you probably know, our Chair Kevin Cardiff is organizing a junket in Dublin, on September 7 - 8.
    This will happen as part of the 3 Bridges Event in Dublin, a big gathering of boats sailing iinto the city.

    It would be nice to see you. We intend to be there on September 6 - 7 - 8 with Paradox and a crew of 4 including our Sailing Secretary Eric. 

    I hope I am not spoiling, but I had a word from Alan Mullholland (Wave Rover) that he would be there too...

    All help is welcome to convince other junkists to join the fun: those seen at Brixham, Annie (Pol Bergius) and many more I don't know of.  The more, the merrier!

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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