Crowded jetty and a big fleet of boats again this year in Matauwhi Bay
but this time only three junks were entered:
Tystie, Zebedee and Gypsy Rose.
The forecast was not good as the boats moved to the start line.
Zebedee heads out beneath a threatening sky.
Some spots of rain, then the wind was dropping away and there was a strong indication there would might be no wind and the race might be shortened or even cancelled.
Tystie almost stopped here.
However the rain held off and by start time the wind had picked up nicely.
Gypsie Rose made a well-timed start, leading Zebedee over the line by a good margin, with Tystie somewhere further back, her grey-coloured sails, as always, invisible against a land background.
The weather held and the steady breeze continued
One of the smallest boats in the fleet, Gypsy Rose sails very well.
That baggy, low-aspect-ratio sail is one of Paul's earlier creations - the old sail off Partisan.
It is a surprisingly powerful sail.
After a long beat, against the tide, Gypsy Rose had increased her lead over the other two junks, as she rounded the windward mark and began the reach. Zebedee remained well in the background and Tystie continued further back, still trying to stem that contrary tide.
However the crew on Gypsie Rose, after holding perhaps a little too much to windward at the second mark, was in for a surprise. Alan on Zebedee had done well on the short reach of the second leg and laid that next mark with perfection.
Suddenly, Gypsy Rose was behind Zebedee, by just a few lengths.
On the run home, the wind strength declining, Gypsy Rose remained three or four lengths behind, unable to pull Zebedee back and close the small gap.
The wind then began to fade. Tystie abandoned the race and ghosted back towards Matauwhi Bay.
Shortly after that it was flat calm.
The tide had turned and once again was foul.
After 5 hours, with just a few lengths between them, Gypsy Rose and Zebedee now also had no choice but to call it a day.
Dave (the Ancient Mariner) hands a tow line to Alan on Zebedee.
Does that make it a draw?
Alongside, Gordon on Tystie, with Marcus as crew.
Heading back to the bay.
The race is over.
The three junks DNF.
No bottle of rum this year.