Amiina 2019 polar plots....and Weaverbird single-ply cambered sail polars from 2018 for comparison.
There is a pocket of anomalous Amiina data (see draw_circle.jpg of boat speed vs true wind speed plot) which pulled the median boat speeds off the curves for 12, 14,and 16 knt wind speed (TWS) polars. The circled anomalous points show Amiina going at less than 1 knt in 15 knts of wind. Not actually sailing? In the polars the anomaly is obvious so I leave it to the viewer to fit-by-eye the single median at 70 deg TWA that's off the curve.
The Amiina sample size of 10,000 sentences gives a very good look at the boat's performance.
Best I can tell overall Amiina and Weaverbird (with the single-ply cambered sail) are nearly equal.
Amiina view and download link:
I'll add Weaverbird with wing sail and Amiina to summary plots similar to those found in Reply # 6936247 on 6922879.
Will need updates to the JRA Tested Boat specs, e.g. is the sail area of the Weaverbird wing the same as the single-ply sail?